Frequently Asked Questions about the LEGO Temple:
Is it built from a kit?
No, I designed the Temple step-by-step over a period of about one year, using only graph paper and a pencil. To design it, I did a lot of research about the real Salt Lake City, UT temple. I studied historical sketches, dozens of photos, and even took my own photos, in order to capture the details as accurately as possible. As I was designing it, I created my own type of notation on paper, to show how all the different pieces of the temple would be placed. I also created a huge master spreadsheet to keep track of how many of each LEGO bricks would be needed.
How many pieces does the temple have?
The LEGO temple has close to 35,000 bricks.
How long did it take to build?
It took close to 9 years to complete the LEGO temple from the initial "cornerstone laying ceremony" to the finishing touches on the solid maple, custom, hand-made case that is topped by a full glass enclosure.
Is the inside of the templed modeled as well?
No, unfortunately the inside is just grey LEGO bricks, but the Temple does have over 420 LED lights that illuminate it at nighttime.
Why did you build the temple?
My wife, Catherine, was building LEGOs with me one Sunday afternoon and came accross a certain LEGO piece that looked to her like a Salt Lake City Temple window. This piece inspired the idea to build the Temple out of LEGOs, although I ended up using different pieces for the windows in the final design. At first I dismissed the idea of building the temple, thinking it would be too difficult and expensive. However, eventually, I came to my senses and my creativity was sparked. In the end it became a labor of love.
Do people pay you to build LEGO sculptures for them?
Yes. I have already been commissioned to build a second LEGO Temple and I have several more buildings in the works. If you have a serious inquiry about commissioning a sculpture, please send me your questions through the Contact Me page on this site.